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Exploring Respite Opportunities and Options

Need help identifying informal community, relationship or technology supports that might provide some respite opportunities or respite enhancements? Do you need help finding formal respite services? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this resource is for you. 

The ARCH document Exploring Respite Opportunities and Options includes informal community, relationship or technology supports that might provide respite opportunities or respite enhancements outside the formal respite services system. 

While many of the suggestions are for respite in the community, there are also resources, such as links to online support groups and e-learning, virtual museum trips, technology supports, mindfulness, stress reduction, and relaxation apps, and more that family caregivers can access from home to get a much needed break. 



The mission of the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center is to assist and promote the development of quality respite and crisis care programs; to help families locate respite and crisis care services in their communities; and to serve as a strong voice for respite in all forums.


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ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
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