354 McLaws Circle, Ste 2
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 258-5890
Get DirectionsWho We Are
When you volunteer for Williamsburg Faith in Action (WFIA), we take the necessary time to match you with a care receiver who has similar interests. We also work with you to create a schedule that is most convenient for you. As a volunteer, you will help adults in the Greater Williamsburg Area who need a little assistance to stay in their homes. With 24 hours every week, you can, for example, rake a neighbor's leaves or trim their bushes.
Attending a Volunteer Orientation is the first step to volunteering with Williamsburg Area Faith in Action. Training is held in our office located at 354 McLaws Cir, Ste 2, Williamsburg, VA 23185.
Orientation includes a general overview of the program and services WFIA provides. While attending an orientation session is not a commitment to volunteer, it does allow potential volunteers to see how they can become involved and how the program operates.
Please contact the WFIA office for more information at 757-258-5890 or by email: info@wfia.org.