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Statewide and Nationwide

Transportation, Private Accessible

Private programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts. 

Accessible Non Emergency Medical Transportation

American Medical Response
2277 Dabney Road, Suite H, Richmond, VA, 23230
Main: (804) 585-3628 Toll Free: (877) 244-4890

Cycling Without Age USA , Loudoun County

Cycling Without Age USA
815 South Cascade Street, Fergus Falls, MN, 56537
Main: (701) 640-6668

Wheelchair Accessible Rental Vans, Norfolk, Virginia Beach Blvd

6059 East Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk, VA, 23502
Main: (757) 250-5585 Toll Free: (877) 275-4907

Accessible Medicaid Transportation

7443 Lee Davis Road, Suite 200, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111
Main: (866) 810-8305 Toll Free: (866) 810-8305

Wheelchair Van Sales

Ultimate Motors
743 Grove Road, Midlothian, VA, 23114
Main: (804) 531-3504

Wheelchair Van Sales

Ultimate Motors
743 Grove Road, Midlothian, VA, 23114
Main: (804) 531-3504

Transportation, Private Long-Distance

Long-distance transportation provided by private providers is generally offered between two separate metropolitan areas or rural areas of equivalent distance to a separate metropolitan area. Service may also operate in an interurban network or to a specific destination on a fixed route. Service is usually scheduled, but may operate at fixed intervals. Service may be one-way, open-ended, or round-trip. Unlimited trips may be available using a pass.

National and International Bus Service

PO Box 660362, Dallas , TX, 75266
Main: (800) 231-2222

Long Distance Bus Service

Main: (844) 800-6828 Toll Free: (844) 800-6828

Transportation, Public Accessible

Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some, but not all, vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Also includes disability parking placards and information.

Community Transportation Referral

DARS, Office for Aging Services, Division of Community Living
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Henrico, VA, 23229
Main: (804) 662-9333 Toll Free: (800) 552-3402 Fax: (804) 662-9532

AMTRAK Accessible Transportation

1 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, 20001
Main: (800) 872-7245

Accessible Long Distance Transportation

Virginia Breeze Bus Lines
Main: (877) 462-6342

Accessible Medicaid Transportation

Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services
600 E. Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-7933

Disability Parking, Placards and Plates

Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
PO Box 85815, Richmond, VA, 23285
Main: (804) 497-7100

Accessible Public Transportation

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572

Transportation, Public Fixed Route

Public local and regional transportation services including buses, rail, shuttles, and trolleys, that follow a fixed route schedule.

Locate Public Transportation

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572

Transportation, Public Long-Distance

Long-distance transportation provided by public providers is generally offered between two separate metropolitan areas or rural areas of equivalent distance to a separate metropolitan area. Service may also operate in an interurban network or to a specific destination on a fixed route. Service is usually scheduled, but may operate at fixed intervals. Service may be one-way, open-ended, or round-trip. Unlimited trips may be available using a pass.


Passenger Train Transportation

1 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, 20001
Main: (800) 872-7245

Virginia Breeze Intercity Bus Service

Virginia Breeze Bus Lines
Main: (877) 462-6342

Virginia Long Distance Passenger Rail Service

Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA)
919 East Main Street, Suite 2400, Richmond, VA, 23219

Transportation, Public Paratransit and Flexible Schedule

Programs that provide flexibly scheduled transportation for community residents who are unable to use the fixed-route public transportation system. The services may be used by the general public or limited to special populations such as older adults and individuals with a disability.

Licensed Transportation Services Resource

Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 27412, Richmond, VA, 23269
Main: (804) 497-7100

Transportation, Ride App Service Networks

Companies such as Uber or Lyft (formally known as "Transportation Network Company Rides" or TNCs), which provide prearranged ground transportation that is booked via an app or a website and connects passengers with drivers who use their own, noncommercial vehicles. Some companies may offer a variant arrangement where the passenger uses an online marketplace to retain a driver who drives the customer's own car for them; and a limited number offer accessible transportation options such as wheelchair accessible vehicles equipped with ramps or hydraulic lifts or door-to-door support for riders who may need help with wheelchairs, walkers and scooters or who have a service animal.

Transportation, Deliveries, and Home Services Scheduling

260 Loreto Street, Suite 4, Mountain View, CA, 94041
Main: (855) 464-6872

Transportation, Ride Share and Commuting

Programs that make arrangements for people to travel together in private automobiles and/or vans during busy commuting hours or which provide a central telephone number for people to use to identify others who are commuting to and from the same general area with whom they might share. Vehicle options include vanpools and carpools. Vanpools may be publicly or employer-operated or organized by an individual who owns or leases a van; the drivers are generally participating as commuters themselves, so are not paid. Also includes programs that provide other commuter services such as emergency commuter transportation, parking information, and more.

Bike to Work!VA

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572


Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572


Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572

Travel Training for Older Adults and People With Disabilities

Programs that provide comprehensive, intensive instruction that teaches older adults or individuals with disabilities how to travel independently and safely using accessible public transportation. Skills include boarding the correct bus or subway, recognizing and disembarking at the correct destination, following directions, recognizing and avoiding dangerous situations and obstacles, handling unexpected situations such as re-routed buses or subways or getting lost, using specialized equipment or devices, and recognizing the need for assistance and requesting help from appropriate sources.


Travel Training for People with Disabilities

Easter Seals Project ACTION
1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC, 20005
Main: (202) 347-3066 Toll Free: (844) 227-3772